RFMS Connect Installation Guide

RFMS Connect is the data collection function required to support Business Insights by RFMS.  You can find out more about Business Insights by RFMS by visiting RFMS.com/BI.

RFMS Connect Requirements


  • You must have a subscription to Business Insights by RFMS.
  • The RFMS Connect Setup Information form must be completed. If this has not been completed, please click here to fill out all the requested information so the Business Insights Company Id can be created and provided for this installation.
  • Your RFMS software must be the current version.  Please go to https://portal.rfms.com to determine the current version of RFMS. We highly suggest that the RFMS software be updated every time a new version is released.  Data can be reported incorrectly if the software is not the most current version

 Licensing RFMS Connect 

You should have received an email that contains your RFMS Connect Company ID code.  If you have not, let us know by emailing bi@rfms.com.

Once you have your RFMS Connect Company ID Code, go to your RFMS directory on your Server.  Search for the file called RFMSConnect.exe.config.


Type the CompanyId you received in the email between the quotes for the

<add key="CompanyId" value =”"/>.

The example below shows a CompanyId value= “9999”.  The CompanyId value we provided for you should be used rather than the 9999.  Be sure to keep the “” around the number.


Click File and click Save.


Task Manager Scheduling 

In order for the RFMS Connect Service to transmit data, a Scheduled Task must be setup to run after hours.  We recommend running at a time outside of the Backup job hours.  The first time the RFMS Connect job runs it can take more than an hour.  After that the job should run for just a few minutes a day.

In order to assure the data processes overnight, please set the job start time to 1 am ET or earlier.  

To setup the scheduled task, open the Task Scheduler.  

Right click the Windows icon on the bottom left and click Control Panel.


Click System and Security.


Go to Administrative Tools, click Schedule Task.


Click Create Basic Task.


This task can be named anything, with any description. It’s always a good idea to use a name that’s easily identifiable.  In this example, we used the task name RFMSConnect.  Click Next.


Select daily and click Next.


Select a time that will be after hours and not during system backups.  Click Next.  Please set the time prior to 1 a.m. ET to allow for processing time.


Click Start a Program and click Next.


In the program/script line, browse to the RFMSConnect application file in the RFMS Folder and select it.  

Only select the RFMSConnect Application file.  DO NOT select the RFMSConnect.exe.Config file.


IMPORTANT:  Do Not Use a Mapped Drive when pointing to the Program/script field or the Start In field (you can use a local path).  If you are using a mapped drive for your RFMS folder location, please use a UNC path for these fields.  Example: \\YourDomain\Drive\RFMSFolder\RFMSConnect.exe.




In the Start in field, type the location of the RFMS Directory and click Next.



 Click Open the Properties dialog for this task when I click Finish box and click Finish.


When the Properties screen opens, do the following: 

  • Change user or group to the Administrator Account
  • Click Run whether user is logged on or not
  • Click Run with highest privileges
  • Choose the appropriate operating system from Configure for:.


Now that the RFMS Connect installation is completed and the task has been scheduled, the process is in place to provide the data required for Business Insights.

To test if the setup is working properly, you should try to execute the RFMSConnect.exe program by opening a command window (run cmd.exe) and following these steps: 

  1. Navigate to your RFMS folder by typing cd\rfms and pressing the [Enter] key.
  2. Type RFMSConnect.exe and press the [Enter] key.
  3. You should see the RFMS Connect log that shows the status of the job.
  4. A message will display when the program has completed properly. At this point the installation process should be complete.
  5. If you see error messages, please contact RFMS Support at help@rfms.com.




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