This dashboard displays the salesperson performance for Quotes by count, value and avg days to close. Use the "My Store", “My Salesperson” and "Benchmark" filters to select the data you want to display.
Key Performance Indicator's (KPI's)
Closed Quotes Value: The value of all closed quotes for the selected date range.
Open Quotes Value: The value of all open quotes for the selected date range.
Close Ratio by Value: The total value of all closed quotes by value for the selected date range
Prior Value Close Ratio: The total value of all closed quotes by value for the prior period for the selected date range (Year over Year or Trailing Months).
Close Ratio Value Change: The difference in the ratio value of all closed quotes for the selected date range and the ratio value of all closed quoted for the prior period for the selected date range (Year over Year or Trailing Months).
BM Value Close Ratio: The benchmark ratio of all closed quotes by value for the selected date range for all qualified Business Insights subscribers.
Avg Days to Close: The total avg days to convert quotes into orders for the selected date range.
BM Avg Days to Close: The benchmark for total average of days to convert quotes into orders for the selected date range for all qualified Business Insights subscribers.
Closed Quotes Count: The number of all closed quotes for the selected date range.
Open Quotes Count: The number of all open quotes for the selected date range.
Close Ratio by Count: Total number of closed quotes divided by the total number of quotes for the selected date range.
Count Close Ratio Prior: Total number of closed quotes divided by the total number of quotes for the prior period for the selected date range (Year over Year or Trailing Months).
Count Close Ratio Change: The difference between close ratio by count for the selected date range and the count close ratio prior.
BM Count Close Ratio: Total number of closed quotes benchmark for qualified participating dealers for the selected date range.
BM Avg Days to Close: Total avg days to close quotes benchmark for the selected date range for all qualified Business Insights subscribers.
Quotes - Count: The number of closed vs open quotes for each salesperson for selected periods.
Quotes - Value: The value of closed vs open quotes for each salesperson for selected periods.
Avg Days To Close: The average days to convert a quote into an order versus benchmark for each salesperson for the selected periods.
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