Invoice Detail from Sales Overview

Invoice Detail is available for display from these dashboards:

  • Sales Overview
  • Sales Overview My Job Types 
  • Customer Performance

Click on the Invoice in the Show Detail report and this will direct you to the Invoice Detail from the dashboard.


Key Performance Indicators (KPI's) and Descriptions:

Store Name: Store name/description from the RFMS system.

BI Job Type:  Job Type assigned in BI Template to allow grouping of like type jobs and to calculate Benchmark when available for display.

My Job Type: My Job Type as indicated on the Invoice in RFMS.

Salesperson 1: Primary Salesperson on the Invoice.

Salesperson 2: Secondary Salesperson on the Invoice.

Split Percent: When more than one salesperson is receiving credit the salespeople will be indicated and the split percent amount.

Invoice Number: Invoice number assigned in RFMS.

Order Date:  Date Job was entered/ordered in RFMS.

Delivery Date: Date Job was marked as 'Delivered' in RFMS.

Material Total: Total off Material only for the invoice displayed.

Labor Total: Total of Labor only for the invoice displayed.

Invoice Total: Total of Material and Labor for the invoice displayed.

Gross Margin: Total gross margin for the invoice displayed.



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