Primary Products Style Review

Premium Dashboard

This dashboard provides an overview of your company's Primary Products for each product category by style.  These consist of typical flooring products sold by Square Foot like: Carpet, Cushion, LVT, Wood, Tile, VCT, Vinyl and Laminate.  Filter on one or more product categories by using the My Product Category Material filter located in the filter menu.



Key Performance Indicators (KPI's):

Product Revenue:Product revenue for the "active filters". 

Product Rev Prior: Product Sales revenue for the selected criteria for the prior selected date range (either Year Over Year or Trailing Months). 

Product Rev Change: The percentage of change in sales revenue between the current and previous period of time for the selected date range. 

GM: Product gross margin for the "active filters". 

GM Prior:Product gross margin for the selected criteria and the prior date range (either Year over Year or Trailing Months). 

GM Change: The percentage of change in gross margin between the current and previous period of time selected in the "active filters". 

BM GM: Total product gross margin for the select criteria for qualified Business Insights participants. 


Product Style Detail (top 100):  This chart provides an overview of your company's top 100 Primary Product styles.  These consist of typical flooring products: Carpet, Cushion, LVT, Wood, Tile, VCT, Vinyl and Laminate sold by the square foot. 

Product sales revenue and gross margin are displayed as KPI’s. The dashboard also provides sales dollars, orders, gross profit, quantity, and average price figures for selected period of time, prior period of time and changes from period to period. Clicking on a specific product from the style list provides invoice detail information for all invoices from the selected time frame.  

Additional Screens

This dashboard contains two additional screens for data evaluation. 

Click on the Style link to view the Invoice List.  This will display all invoices that contain the selected style.


Click on the InvNum (Invoice Number) from the Invoice List detail to view the Products Invoice Detail

Invoice Detail from Style


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